As if we always know best …?

Sometimes, as parents, we interact with our children as if we are superior as if we always know best.
Who made us the experts of somebody else’s life?
We may also be guilty of this with friends, co-workers, and other family members. This happens when we give advice without being asked, voice our opinions (don’t you hate it when people do that?) and in the process, we may disempower, belittle or shame others.
Our children are especially vulnerable to our holier-than-thou behavior. I know I have been guilty of giving my opinion even if nobody asked me, on many occasions. It is a learned behavior, our parents did the same to us.
Someone once told me that we give others advice when we feel we are lacking ourselves; interesting thought. Does that mean that advice is the opposite of wisdom? If that is true, we need to see where we lack, what we lack, making sure we deal with our stuff first, so we do not impose on others. I definitely need to take that to heart.
And our journey continues!
Much love,
Martina and Mooniek